Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fun Fun and more FUN

Okay since we had a long weekend for Labor Day and we didn't get to go to Lake Powell we went to 3 different fun places. K on Saturday we went to Park City and went on the alpine slides. Sunday we went to Fish Lake and had dessert in the Lodge, but the only bad thing was on the way back from Fish Lake we were going on a long windey road and my mom, Mason, and Jaxon all got car sick and Jaxon started to cry and was telling my mom he wanted to go home and then he threw up. And Yesterday we went to Yuba with Natalie Porters family. It was pretty fun but I better go so bye.

1 comment:

  1. OH it sounds like you had a lot of fun! I did too
    call me sometime girl we should really hangout!!
    love ya LAYNA!!
